• Sinusitis : Frequently Asked Questions

      What Is Sinusitis?

      Sinusitis Is Inflammation Or Infection Of The Mucous Membrane Lining The Nasal Sinuses (air-filled Cavities In The Bones Surrounding The Nose; Above The Eyes, In The Cheekbone, Behind Bridge Of Nose, Upper Nose).


    • Nasal Polyps: Frequently Asked Questions

      What Are Nasal Polyps?

      Nasal Polyps Are Smooth-surfaced, Fleshy Masses Extending Into The Nasal Cavity. They May Arise From The Maxillary Sinuses, Wherein They Are Termed As Antrochoanal Polyps (ACP) Or They May Arise From The Ethmoid Sinuses, When They Are Termed As Ethmoidal Polyps. ACPs Are Usually A Single Mass And Unilateral Whereas Ethmoidal Polyps Are Multiple And Found In Both The Nasal Cavities. Nasal Polyps Are Easily Diagnosed On General Head Light ENT Examination. ...


    • Nose Bleeds
      A Nosebleed Is Loss Of Blood From The Tissue Lining The Nose. Bleeding Most Commonly Occurs In One Nostril Only.

      Nosebleeds Are Very Common. Most Nosebleeds Occur Because Of Minor Irritations Or Colds. They Can Be Frightening For Some Patients, But Are Rarely Life Threatening.


    • Deviated Nasal Septum : Frequently Asked Questions

      What Is A Deviated Nasal Septum?
      A Straight Septum Is The Cartilaginous And Bony Partition Between The Left And Right Sides Of The Breathing Passageways Inside The Nose. It Becomes Deviated Either From Congenital Reasons Or From A Traumatic Injury. A Deviation Of The Nasal Septum Can Cause Obstruction Of The Nasal Passages, Usually Involving One Side But Occasionally Can Involve Both Sides Of The Nose.
      Source: Www.seattlefacial.comHow Common Is Otitis Media?