• Voice Exercises Video

  • Voice Exercises 1


    1. Description: Exercise Your Voice Step 1.jpg
  • Voice Exercises 2

    A Step By Step Guide
    To The Vocal Warm Up Exercises

    The Lawyer Who Tries A Case In A Courtroom Has Similar Demands Placed On The Voice That The Actor In The Theatre Faces. Both Must Have A Voice That Can Be Heard. Both Must Have A Voice That Can Last For Hours At A Time For Days And Weeks On End. Both Must Have A Voice That Is Placed In The Body In Such A Way That The Voice Is Both Pleasing To The Listener And Won’t Wear Out. Both Must Find The True Voice With Which To Communicate, Rather Than A Habitual Voice Which They Have Used Through Most Of Their Lives In Public Situations. Both Must Be Able To Enunciate Clearly So That Jurors And Audience Alike Can Understand What Is Being Said.

  • Voice Exercises 3

    The Voice Is A Powerful Acting Tool. But The Power Is Lost If An Actor Mumbles Their Lines, Can’t Be Heard, Or Speaks In A Monotone.